God is holy and sovereign
God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus is the only way to be saved from sin by grace, having
died on the cross for our sins and rising on the 3rd day.
The Bible is Non-negotiable.
9AM Bible Study Classes | 10:10AM Worship
3:30PM Choir Rehearsal
3:30PM AWANA TREK (7th-8th grade)
5:30PM Youth Group
5:30PM AWANA (Age 2 – 5th grade) Aug-April
5:30PM Transformed (Adults) Aug-April
Weekday CONNECTION Groups are calendared below
2249 S. IL 157, Edwardsville IL 62025 | calvary2249@gmail.com | 618.656.4100
Connect at Calvary
Do you want Calvary to feel like home? Get involved in a Bible Study, Connections, or Transformed group and it will! Calvary is a small groups based church, and our goal is for every person to be connected, develop community, serve, and grow in a personal relationship with God. We need God and we need each other.
Bible Study
Classes promote spiritual growth and community for
all ages as we study
God’s Word.
all ages as we study
God’s Word.
Adult class studies and teachers change qtly. and meet from
Chinese Speaking
Rm 104 Chenxi Su
We provide childcare
from birth to age 2 during Bible Study Class and Worship Service.
Children’s Worship
We provide Bible Study and activities for potty trained 3yo – 2nd Grade during the Worship Service, except the last Sunday of the month. On the last Sunday of the month we encourage family worship in the Sanctuary, or in overflow seating in the Fellowship Hall.
Music Ministry
Musically talented? Play an instrument? Come join our Praise Team! Share your voice with the Calvary Choir!
Choir Rehearsal
Sunday 3:30PM
Praise Team
Wednesday 6PM
Discipling children through Scripture memorization and fun activities, making lifelong followers of Christ.
Sunday 5:30 – 7PM
Schedule is on Calendar
Challenging our students to
build a passionate relationship with Jesus Christ.
Youth Group
Sunday 5:30 – 7PM
Youth Connections
Wednesday 6 – 7PM
Wednesday 6 – 7PM
Quarterly Adult Bible Study covering various relevant topics and books of the Bible.
Sunday 5:30 – 7PM
Calvary participates in the Great Commission through finances, prayer and direct missionary support.
Senior Adults
Our Senior Adults enjoy fellowship and regularly praying for one another. We recognize wisdom comes with experience, therefore we do not separate adults by age. We learn from all ages in our Bible Study Classes as well as our Connections small groups.
Encouraging women to develop and nurture fruitful and abundant lives in Christ through Bible Study Class, online prayer group, and Connections small group.
Ladies Night
meet at local restaurants @ 6PM the 15th of every month.
Check calendar for locations.
Discipling and encouraging men to lead powerful, transformed lives for
God’s glory through Bible Study Class and Connections small group.
Food With The Fellas
meet at local restaurants @ 6PM the 1st of every month.
Check calendar for locations.
Quarterly Small Groups designed to study God’s Word while forming community.
Thurs. 6:30PM
CBC Conference Rm
Tues. 6:30PM
Schneider Home
College/Young Adult: Wed. 6:00PM Fellowship Hall
Wed. 6:30PM
CBC Rooms
103 & 105
Visit Calvary This Sunday
Our Staff

Pastor Rob Schneider grew up along the east coast while his father served in the Navy. He attended Hannibal LaGrange University, Southwestern Seminary and received his Doctorate at Southern Seminary. Rob has been pastor of Calvary since 2003. He and his wife Joan have a grown son Alex who lives outside IL.

Pastor Brian Bond, a pastor’s son, grew up in Kewanee Illinois. He attended Illinois State University, where he studied Music Education and Music Performance. Brian has been Calvary’s Worship Pastor since 2011. He and his wife Charlotte (2014 ISU Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame) are blessed with three grown children, Kenneth, David and Alexis.
Pastor Mike Brockmeier grew up in Ferguson, MO. He is a graduate of Missouri Baptist University and Southern Seminary. Mike has been Calvary’s youth Pastor since 2006. He and his wife Julie have two children, Luke and Lucy.
Administration Assistant Elaine Hutton grew up in Indiana. She and her husband Dave have three children, and enjoy each of their 13 grandchildren, one granddaughter-in-law, and one great grandson.